Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Beginning (of the end)

So i have decided to join in this blogging craze that seems to have bitten everyone, mainly due to the fact Gaffney has started his blog and we agreed to blog together (sounds kinda wrong?). Anyway since both Leon and Jonson have duopolised? the Deep and Meaningful Market it would economically prudent to diversify into other areas. So therefore this blog will be mainly dedicated to Finance, Warren Buffett (see top), NFL and probably a whole lot of other stuff. I look forward to having many blog wars with Gaffney and Jonson about my apparrently discrimantory views and my love of big corporations which aren't evil.

Anyway i have to now go do some Maths trials so next monday i wont fail as hard as in the Half Yearly.

To my group--- i know when you finally find this you will spam the comments section with stories of how "Hectic" i am and possibly how Matraville is a farm. Gotta find how to disable comments. Also hope i dont get stalked by some random like Leon and Jonson's blogs


  1. Wasn't there some agreement about not naming anyone on blogspot?


    BoBo, I think you should stick to getting mad and discriminating against women.

  2. how gay is this =D
    jks keep up the gay work

    btw bobo doesnt discriminate against women - "some say tap that. i say girlfriend that", he loves them in a freaky stalker way
